Anuja Trivedi, a young and driven IAS officer from Uttar Pradesh, joined the Indian Administrative Service in 2023 as part of the AGMUT cadre. Born on September 30, 1997, she successfully cracked the UPSC exam at the age of 25, achieving an impressive AIR 80. Currently, she is undergoing her foundational training at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), preparing to take on the responsibilities of public administration.
Quick Information Of Anuja Trivedi
Profession | IAS Officer |
Name | Anuja Trivedi |
Date of Birth | 30/09/1997 |
Age | 27 |
UPSC Cracking Age | 25 |
Native Place | Uttar Pradesh |
Date of Joining | 31/07/2023 |
Batch | 2023 |
Cadre | AGMUT |
Education Qualification | B.Tech. in Biotechnology, IIT Delhi |
Current Posting | Training at LBSNAA |
Date of Retirement | 30/09/2057 |
Family Details | Father: Abhiram Trivedi (Retd. Govt Officer), Mother: Alka Trivedi (Homemaker) |
Husband | Still Unmarried |
First Posting | Training at LBSNAA |
UPSC Rank | 80 |
UPSC Marksheet | Mains: 801, Interview: 198, Total: 999 |
Optional Subject | Sociology |
Attempt | Third |
Social Media |
Early Life and Family Background
Anuja Trivedi was raised in Uttar Pradesh in a family with a strong sense of service and values. Her father, Abhiram Trivedi, is a retired government officer, and her mother, Alka Trivedi, is a homemaker. This supportive environment played an important role in shaping her path toward public service.
Education and Qualifications
Anuja holds a B.Tech. in Biotechnology from IIT Delhi, a credential that adds a scientific approach to her administrative career. Her technical education helps her analyze problems systematically, a skill that is increasingly valuable in today’s administration.
UPSC Journey and Success
Anuja’s UPSC journey is a testament to perseverance. She cleared the exam on her third attempt with Sociology as her optional subject. She scored 801 marks in Mains and 198 marks in the Interview, bringing her total to 999.
Current and Future Prospects
Currently, Anuja Trivedi is undergoing training at LBSNAA, Mussoorie. With her educational background and focused drive, she is well-prepared to serve in her upcoming postings and make meaningful contributions to the administration.