Prince Kumar, an energetic and focused IAS officer, joined the Indian Administrative Service in 2023 as part of the AGMUT cadre. Born on July 15, 1998, in the village of Chandiha in Bihar’s Puraniyah district, Prince achieved success in the UPSC Civil Services Exam at the age of 24, securing an AIR of 89. Currently, he is undergoing foundational training at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) in Mussoorie, preparing for a promising career in public service.
Quick Info Of Prince Kumar IAS
Profession | IAS Officer |
Name | Prince Kumar |
Date of Birth | 15/07/1998 |
Age | 26 |
UPSC Cracking Age | 24 |
Native Place | Chandiha, Puraniyah, Bihar |
Date of Joining | 31/07/2023 |
Batch | 2023 |
Cadre | AGMUT |
Education Qualification | B.A. Honours in Geography, B.R. Ambedkar Bihar University |
Current Posting | Training at LBSNAA |
Date of Retirement | 31/07/2058 |
Family Details | Father: Vinay Kumar Dvivedi (Motor Mechanic), Mother: Asha Devi, Brother: Engineer |
First Posting | Training at LBSNAA |
UPSC Rank | 89 |
UPSC Marksheet | Mains: 821, Interview: 176, Total: 997 |
Previous Experience | EX IPS Trainee, AIR 426 in 2022 |
Category | EWS |
Social Media | Twitter, Instagram |
Early Life and Family Background
Prince Kumar’s journey began in a humble setting, where his father, Vinay Kumar Dvivedi, worked as a motor mechanic, and his mother, Asha Devi, supported the family. Prince also has a brother who is an engineer. Raised in this hardworking family, Prince was inspired to make a difference, paving the way for his journey toward a career in the Indian civil services.
Education and Qualifications
Prince graduated with a B.A. Honours in Geography from B.R. Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur. His early schooling took place at Sri Gudar Jagdev S.S. School in Sonaul Sultan, Sheohar. His background in geography aligns well with the understanding of socio-environmental issues, which will benefit him in his administrative role.
UPSC Journey and Success
Prince Kumar’s journey to the IAS was marked by persistence. He previously joined the IPS as a trainee with an AIR of 426 in 2022. Undeterred, he attempted UPSC again and, in 2023, secured AIR 89, making him an IAS officer. His UPSC marksheet reflects his dedication: Mains: 821 marks, Interview: 176 marks, totaling 997 marks. His strong performance speaks to his commitment to achieving his dreams and serving the nation.
UPSC Marksheet of IAS Prince Kumar
Exam Stage | Marks Obtained |
Mains Examination | 821 |
Interview | 176 |
Total Marks | 997 |
Prince Kumar’s impressive score of 997 marks in the UPSC CSE (Civil Services Exam) demonstrates his strong academic foundation and preparation strategy, which contributed to his success and securing of an All India Rank (AIR) of 89.
Current and Future Prospects
Currently, Prince Kumar is in training at LBSNAA, honing the skills and knowledge required for effective administration. With a background rooted in diligence and ambition, he is poised to make impactful contributions as an IAS officer.